You want to Log information from your NB HMI using a USB.
Using the Data history component located on the project library window, you can use this function to read a series of date in consecutive memories from the specified word memory(s) inside PT, PLC or word memory(s) of the controller periodically and display them in the table form.
- Press the Data History component icon, drag it to the screen, then the [Basic Properties] dialog box of the Data History component will pop up.
2.Use the sample method tab to set the type of sampling required.
3. Use the Basic property tab to set the variable to log.
4. Plug in a formatted USB into the rear of the NB HMI.
5. All events recorded on the HMI will be saved to a file named ‘Event’ on the USB. The files will be saved as 6 .CSV file in the ‘log’ directory.