Increase speed using arrow keys after power up on an MX2
You don't want to use the Pot to change speed, but instead use the up / down arrow keys. You don't want the operator to have to go through several parameters to initiate this when required
Change A001 to 02.
Although for the external display you usually use 00, this value forces the VSD to only run using the POT/volume knob.
You will also need to change parameter b038 to 201. Parameter b038 changes the initial screen after power on, and data point 201 changes this to F001.
To set a minimum and max frequency, change A061 and A062 .
Once these parameters have been set, please power cycle the VSD.
Upon reboot, the value shown on the screen will be F001, the output frequency. You will now be able to use the arrow keys to chance the frequecy now.
Please note if you would like only have access to User settings and F001, you will need to change b037 accordingly.