Purpose of the Intelligent Tap
For F3SG-4SR Light Curtains
What is the purpose of the Intelligent Tap (F39-SGIT-IL3), for the F3SG-4SR Light Curtain range?
The Intelligent Tap is the method through which the F3SG-4SR Light Curtains can be configured. While some basic configuration can be achieved without the Intelligent Tap, connecting this device to the Light Curtains allows for even greater configuration and feature setting using the Intelligent Tap's DIP switches, or if connected to a computer with SD Manager 3 software installed, the Intelligent Tap opens up the full range of configuration and allows for the user to set all of the features of the Light Curtains.
A configuration can also be saved on the Intelligent Tap, which allows it to upload settings to a connected set of Light Curtains on power-on. This allows a single Intelligent Tap to be used to configure multiple sets of Light Curtains, without the use of a computer. If more than one configuration is required, configurations can be saved on a computer and loaded to the Intelligent Tap as required.
Lastly, the Intelligent Tap can be used to enable IO-Link and Bluetooth communications between the Light Curtains and other devices. Note that the Bluetooth module must also be installed for Bluetooth communications.
When is the Intelligent Tap required?
The Intelligent Tap is required if the following features are necessary for the application.
- Interlock
- Pre-Reset
- External Device Monitoring (EDM)
- Blanking
- Presence Sensing Device Initiation (PSDI)
- Auxiliary Output configuration
- Muting
- Reduced Resolution
- Warning Zone configuration
- Response Time Adjustment
- Designated Beam Output
- Area Beam Indicator configuration
- IO-Link communications
- Bluetooth communications